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Ciências Humanas e Sociais

Vol. 6 No. 2 (2024)

Marketing strategies for diversification of the target public of digital banks: a proposal for the inclusion of generation x in the digital transformation


This article's purpose was to comprehend Generation X, people between 35 and 55 years old, non-adherence to Digital Banks model, considering Brazil's major income share is concentrated within this age group, while most of Digital Banks clients are under 36 years old. First was performed a literature review on Generation X, Marketing and Digital Banks. Based on that, a survey was created and sent to the employees of a few Digital Banks, it's results then content analysed with Bardin' technique. A second survey was created and sent to the public, it's results clipped on Generation X only, using a 5 point Likert scale to assess how the Digital Bank employees perception correlates with the reality captured by the public survey answers. Results analysis comproved some of the perceptions given by the Digital Banks employees, on the first qualitative survey, as the lack of trust mentioned by one of the interviewed. Other concerns were identified as minor causes to that situation as the offer of important services as automatic debiting and investments which are yet not offered by all Digital Banks. The results analysis answered the search main question first discussed.


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