Free Market in Capim Grosso (Bahia): An analysis from the Municipal Master Plan
Urban space; Free fair; Master PlanAbstract
The main objective of the article is to understand the relationship of the Municipal Master Plan (Law nº 380/2017) on the free fair of Capim Grosso – BA. The methodology adopted in the development of this case study, starts from the documental study/relevant legislation, conceptual theoretical bibliographic research and field research with direct observations, photographic records and use of the PAR technique - Rapid Assessment Protocol for analysis of the results. The open market in the northeastern municipality of Capim Grosso-Bahia, considered one of the largest among the cities of the Jacuípe Basin Identity Territory, is of great importance not only at the local, but regional level, attracting people from several surrounding municipalities. Regarding the issue of the free market in the occupation of the urban area, they are unknown until then. In this sense, it is understood that many Master Plans do not address this issue. From the discussions and analysis of the legislation on the Municipal Master Plan and investigation of the local reality through the field study, it appears that this Law is extremely important to promote the development of cities, making them more inclusive, safe, resilient, attractive and economically sustainable. Therefore, an effective and participatory territorial planning is necessary.
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