Brief study of Cardiology on the electrocardiogram in anomalies of the Cabrera signal and Brugada syndrome


  • Valdecir de Godoy Borges Universidade de Valença


This work aims to study the electrocardiogram tracing and show the electrocardiographic signs, the Cabrera signal to Brugada Syndrome and the infarction event from the beginning of the electrocardiogram (ECG) trace when the schematic perception of one of the various arteries starts coronary arteries that can lead to certain wall parts with heart necrosis being this heart muscle necourized by current knowledge not the most intervention therapy that can be done to revert this picture in short and an irreversible picture. In the case of Brugada syndrome is a directed studyprophylaxis so that individuals who intend to participate in fixed activities that require a lot of effort from the heart activities that overload the heart and of utmost importance perform stress testing on a treadmill with great care and care so that you can follow the evolution of the plotted as the heart tends to increase your cardiac debt In order to increase the frequency of beats, the appropriate and prophylactic evaluation will prevent people who tend to have an inadequate T-wave rampage that this improper elevation known as Brugada syndrome that will lead to fibrillation can be warned and treated in the case of the Cabrera sign. and something very important to be able to see and understand in the electrocardiogram tracing because it appears in the tracing indicates that at some point there was a heart attack in a certain part of the heart, further investigation is needed to verify in which the topographic anatomical position of the heart came to be compromised and necrotic losing its previous capacity I will also mention some other abnormalities in the electrocardiogram tracing but with less emphasis than these previously mentioned traces.


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How to Cite

BORGES, V. de G. . Brief study of Cardiology on the electrocardiogram in anomalies of the Cabrera signal and Brugada syndrome. Revista Caparaó, [S. l.], v. 3, n. 1, p. e30, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 oct. 2024.



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