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Ciências Exatas e da Terra

Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022)

Urban planning in the city of Camaçari (BA): evolution of plans between 1974 to 2008


This article is the result of a research that analyzes the evolution of urban planning in the Municipality of Camaçari, focusing on the urban area of the District Headquarters, between the period from 1974 to 2008. For that, the methodology of the study was based on three aspects of study: approach, procedures and techniques, explaining why the Camaçari district (Headquarters) was chosen for the study, adopting in the development of this study the analysis of the existing scientific literature through indirect documentation. In this sense, the objective of this article is to analyze the evolution of the planning process of the municipality of Camaçari, focusing on the urban area of ​​the Camaçari district (Sede). Showing in a specific way how each municipal plan was developed in the Headquarters District, with the presentation of a summary table, informing the period, the managements and the main premises addressed in the plans. With that, from the analysis of the municipal plans we can conclude the insertion of COPEC and elaboration of the "first" Master Plan, intensified the configurations the urban configurations, causing the State/Municipality to carry out plans with a set of actions to conduct the situation of population and urban expansion in the city of Camaçari.


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