Pedagogical strategies for a student with autism in elementary school
Autism. Inclusion. Regular education.Abstract
Autism is a disorder characterized by differences in the behavior of the subject, especially in communication and social interactions from the earliest years of life. The present article has the objective of analyzing the conceptions and pedagogical strategies in the schooling of students with autism in a regular school of education in the city of Natal/RN. The methodology of this work is qualitative and the starting point for the investigation of this theme is participant observation in the follow-up of a child with autism, and semi-structured interview. Among the results are the perception of a routine in the school environment, as well as the perception of the teaching and learning process of these children in common class. The conclusion of the study shows that the application of strategies in the schooling of students with autism, in addition to interactions with other children and the environment with which they coexist, promote the construction of a routine that contributes to social, cognitive and motor development.
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