What qualities, attitudes, skills and knowledge Contribute to a teacher's effectiveness?
Teacher training; Knowledge base; Vocational education; Pedagogical Studies; Teacher Qualifications.Abstract
This article sought to analyze the perspectives and challenges of being a teacher, considering the specificities of reality, since education forms society, while it is also formed by it, and the inherence between two views is undeniable: education reproduces the social structure prevailing, but it is also a critical tool for change. It is important to keep in mind that, unless it is the right time, learning will not take place. Therefore, it is important to repeat important points whenever possible, so that, when the student's learning moment occurs, he can benefit from knowledge. The objective is to demonstrate the innovations required by teachers from different areas of knowledge, which have two characteristics currently in focus, teacher training in its specificities and the structure in force in the education system. and answer the following question: What qualities, attitudes, skills and knowledge contribute to the effectiveness of a teacher? To support the theoretical framework, we used the starting point of bibliographic research of books, monographs, articles and documents about the proposed theme, conducting a descriptive and exploratory study. According to Pimenta Anastasiou (2002) education is a process that allows the insertion of a being in human society, formed and in continuous construction, which presents social, economic and cultural inequalities. The main reflection brought up, and whose discussion is more and more necessary, rests on the possibilities of the school in the use of its human, scientific and physical resources to provide an integral development of the student allowing to form citizens apt to life in society.
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