The influence of corporate governance on environmental and sustainability actions in the legislative body of the state of Goiás
Corporate Governance., Governance in the Public Sector, Social and Environmental Aspects, ALEGOAbstract
This article aims to present the corporate governance practices carried out by the Legislative Assembly of Goiás, in order to manage the work carried out, so that social and environmental aspects are discussed, worked on and perceived by servers and managers, taking into account the preservation values and environmental concern in every decision taken by its managers. Given this view, the following research questions what repercussions Alego has generated through its actions carried out by its managers, and what is the effect of the social and environmental projects carried out. Aiming to propose reflection and consequently discussion about the perspectives of environmental management and its implications. To better explain the chosen topic, the article presents five topics, the first addressing the concept of corporate governance, the second on governance in the public sector, the third on social and environmental aspects in the corporate environment, the fourth on environmental responsibility laws and the fifth talks about the legislative body of the State of Goiás. The research used the quantitative method, with bibliographic and documentary research. After this study, it was possible to verify the level of impact that the projects on the environment already carried out by Alego, had on the employees' lives and what reach for the general community. Both the importance of corporate governance and the involvement of senior management is of great importance for the institution to be recognized as a body that is concerned with environmental sustainability.
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