Analysis of the importance of Agroamigo Pronaf B in the development of family farming in Lagoa Nova/RN
Family Farming; Pronaf B; Socioeconomic development.Abstract
The purpose of this article was to analyze the performance of the microcredit program Agroamigo / Pronaf B, for the socioeconomic development of family farmers in the municipality of Lagoa Nova / RN. Knowing that this type of credit is one of the most important tools for the improvement of agriculture and maintenance of rural families in the countryside, we can see that the program has managed to achieve results in improving the socioeconomic profile of the beneficiaries. The financing has managed to keep them in the field, developing their activities in more comfortable conditions, being caused by the improvements that they managed to make in the work structures and that consequently generate greater productivity and financial return. The income from production allows farmers to make improvements in their homes, acquire goods that make life easier and generate hope for a better future for their children.
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