Schooling for the deaf in Santo Antônio/RN: teachers' conceptions


  • Patrícia Nelly Soares de Melo Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte


Deafness; elementary school; linguistic specificity.


The theme studied in this work refers to the deaf student’s education process in the second stage of basic education. The overall objective of this research was to analyze the educational process of a deaf student in the second stage of primary education, specifically in the 7th year. This overall objective the following specific objectives are delimited-: describe the processes of teaching of a deaf student in the second stage of elementary school and identify the conception of the teacher about their performance in the ESA and as POUNDS interpreters in education of deaf students enrolled in 7 year education Elementary II a school municipal St. Anthony of teaching / Rio Grande do Norte. The methodology presented in this work can be classified as qualitative. For data collection questionnaires and interviews were conducted with teachers and Libras interpreter. As to results, teachers have hampered the organization of teaching strategies and curriculum planning and practices in view of the specific language of the deaf students. The results point to the Pounds contribution of education as a first language and the teaching of Portuguese as a second language writing. The proposed bilingual education advocated by the deaf community brings forth the linguistic specificity as the dimensions of the education of the deaf. The study concludes that the gaps in teacher training about Pounds knowledge as one of the barriers to the inclusion of deaf students in mainstream education and participation and learning of these subjects throughout elementary school.


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How to Cite

MELO , P. N. S. de . Schooling for the deaf in Santo Antônio/RN: teachers’ conceptions. Revista Caparaó, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 1, p. e2, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.


